============================================================== Guild: Direct Messages Channel: Group / Triple Bear: Rivals (ARCHIVE) ============================================================== [11/19/2021 14:53] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/19/2021 14:53] Fluffacorn#8778 if one of you has gabuu on ya friends list pls add him [11/19/2021 14:53] fuck#6057 Added a recipient. [11/19/2021 14:53] Fluffacorn#8778 tanka [11/19/2021 14:53] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/hamsters-dance-swag-rap-gif-15546611 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hamsters-dance-swag-rap-gif-15546611 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/whNEY1RU0OTl7YI4oJc4H7s2XDkUReCel6pPFnzPdCc/https/media.tenor.co/images/a8225e74af1e2e569c9bb0fefe647306/tenor.png [11/19/2021 14:54] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/rapping-spittin-spitting-funny-ifunny-gif-20139469 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/rapping-spittin-spitting-funny-ifunny-gif-20139469 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/mDW8JtPhqmM2-eHjVLkSxdGHG_CNBAWWNf-DKg5rajo/https/media.tenor.co/images/2adc9c2cee148ba930b8e4cf9934defb/tenor.png [11/19/2021 14:54] Fluffacorn#8778 we've got an hour till rivals starts, but make sure to get all of your stuff set up and add eachother on steam if you haven't already [11/19/2021 14:54] LeDelta#6912 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911389017042481172/SmartSelect_20210911-143335_Discord-Beta.jpg [11/19/2021 14:54] fuck#6057 technically you dont have to add anyone cuz you can send invite links [11/19/2021 14:54] Fluffacorn#8778 oh yea huh [11/19/2021 14:54] Fluffacorn#8778 either way ig [11/19/2021 14:54] LeDelta#6912 I'm on my way home rn [11/19/2021 14:54] Fluffacorn#8778 swag swag [11/19/2021 14:55] Fluffacorn#8778 some of you may play off stream but that's rather unlikely, so for basically all of you I'll call your matches and you'll fight whoever else I call up [11/19/2021 14:55] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll release brackets in about 30 or so minutes so you can prepare for whoever you're fighting, in the mean time get some practice or eat a nice apple [11/19/2021 14:57] sunlust#6726 can i comm when im not playing [11/19/2021 14:58] fuck#6057 this is just imo i dont think players in the tourney should comm [11/19/2021 14:58] fuck#6057 but its whatever fluff thinks [11/19/2021 14:58] Fluffacorn#8778 I don't think you should, but if you're willing to sacc some time I guess you can [11/19/2021 14:58] Fluffacorn#8778 if you delay the tourney at all I'm going to DQ you though [11/19/2021 14:58] fuck#6057 just a heads up, its being streamed and you will be recorded, so dont sound like an idiot [11/19/2021 14:58] Fluffacorn#8778 yea [11/19/2021 14:59] sunlust#6726 https://steamcommunity.com/id/sunlust/ {Embed} https://steamcommunity.com/id/sunlust/ Steam Community :: sun chips I live on koth_clearcut. Cacodemons are cool. sunlust#6726 AM flank scout/spy support my friend ːggxxacmayː ːapex_pathfinderː ːmsfortuneː ːccknightː ːtobdogː https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/Ystl4qOgNQLDVCmV-iovW_XLP-_tcFBmWY3_vGPEG7g/https/cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/9f/9f4e12317a79845392f7b7e45e7962d5219df2d1_full.jpg [11/19/2021 14:59] sunlust#6726 add me [11/19/2021 14:59] Portabello#1995 i think that’d be too much to have players comm too [11/19/2021 14:59] fuck#6057 already there are 2 comms as well [11/19/2021 14:59] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll leave it up to you all since I already have enough commentators [11/19/2021 14:59] sunlust#6726 wait there's 2? [11/19/2021 14:59] fuck#6057 or as long as toast is there [11/19/2021 14:59] Fluffacorn#8778 y'all are the ones playing so [11/19/2021 14:59] sunlust#6726 nvm didnt know toast was [11/19/2021 14:59] Fluffacorn#8778 swag swag [11/19/2021 14:59] Fluffacorn#8778 get ready for the fuck [11/19/2021 14:59] sunlust#6726 i thought it was just fluff LOL [11/19/2021 15:00] Fluffacorn#8778 imagine lmoa [11/19/2021 15:00] fuck#6057 toast probably wont be on comms a whole lot tho because she'll be busy watching the dog or somethin [11/19/2021 15:00] Fluffacorn#8778 gotta go do something for her parents for the 49th time this hour [11/19/2021 15:00] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/foxy06_-foxy06_ps-foxy06-fortnite-fortnite-burnout-gif-21084385 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/foxy06_-foxy06_ps-foxy06-fortnite-fortnite-burnout-gif-21084385 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/GVwCfeZNKU_2C94bsM64XdNkiacaufsYzbE-IYXuysw/https/media.tenor.co/images/2dba257e0d5fb335f2df47493d70c90a/tenor.png [11/19/2021 15:01] fuck#6057 hey drew i see you in rivals [11/19/2021 15:01] fuck#6057 wanna get your ass beat before tournament [11/19/2021 15:02] sunlust#6726 surte [11/19/2021 15:03] fuck#6057 wait ur serious [11/19/2021 15:04] Fluffacorn#8778 p [11/19/2021 15:06] sunlust#6726 yes [11/19/2021 15:07] sunlust#6726 get on [11/19/2021 15:17] TanukiWeirdo#0805 (pinned) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911394667956940850/1637221415799s.jpg [11/19/2021 15:18] sunlust#6726 Pinned a message. [11/19/2021 15:29] Fluffacorn#8778 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911397726065930300/unknown.png [11/19/2021 15:29] Fluffacorn#8778 this is the bracket you'll be working with [11/19/2021 15:29] Fluffacorn#8778 minus is the top seed, the bottom seed is delta [11/19/2021 15:29] Fluffacorn#8778 sun and delta start in losers, do not lose [11/19/2021 15:29] Fluffacorn#8778 double elim [11/19/2021 15:30] sunlust#6726 wtf [11/19/2021 15:31] fuck#6057 wtf is this bracket [11/19/2021 15:31] Portabello#1995 https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eVWUAYsEonS0O7vGwURFZcY0htNrYLFK6RIreIcFiWg/https/media.tenor.co/images/cdd7a9e08e70529d7fb258883be60cb2/tenor.png [11/19/2021 15:31] Portabello#1995 why am i against minus [11/19/2021 15:31] Fluffacorn#8778 bracket where the bottom seeds start in losers [11/19/2021 15:31] Fluffacorn#8778 could change that rq if you all would rather do traditional [11/19/2021 15:31] Fluffacorn#8778 we've still got time [11/19/2021 15:32] Fluffacorn#8778 actually, that's a good question [11/19/2021 15:32] Fluffacorn#8778 you're fifth seed [11/19/2021 15:32] Fluffacorn#8778 lemme just [11/19/2021 15:33] Fluffacorn#8778 (pinned) fixed a seeding bug and changed this one setting {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911398878459347024/unknown.png [11/19/2021 15:34] Fluffacorn#8778 challonge is a very bad piece of software but smash.gg requires signups and that's a layer of complication I would rather not put on participants [11/19/2021 15:34] Fluffacorn#8778 this should be the final bracket though, if you've got any objections do let me know [11/19/2021 15:35] fuck#6057 this is a lot better thank you [11/19/2021 15:35] fuck#6057 starting off in losers is no joke the worst idea ive heard lmao [11/19/2021 15:35] Fluffacorn#8778 yea sorry about any confusion, challonge doesn't let you set up all-winners brackets unless you verify an email [11/19/2021 15:35] Fluffacorn#8778 and I don't have bitwarden on windows, so I had to really quick log in [11/19/2021 15:35] fuck#6057 okay okay i gotcha [11/19/2021 15:35] Fluffacorn#8778 apologies for any trouble but this is a way better bracket so it should be good [11/19/2021 15:36] Fluffacorn#8778 here's the seeding if you're wondering {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911399465481551932/unknown.png [11/19/2021 15:36] Fluffacorn#8778 it's not `entirely` accurate since I had to manually fix some stuff in challonge, but for the most part it's accurate [11/19/2021 15:36] sunlust#6726 aye, that'll do [11/19/2021 15:36] Fluffacorn#8778 games start in 20 minutes and change so get bready [11/19/2021 15:37] sunlust#6726 who's first? [11/19/2021 15:37] sunlust#6726 me vs port? [11/19/2021 15:37] Fluffacorn#8778 yep [11/19/2021 15:37] Fluffacorn#8778 i'll call the match when it starts [11/19/2021 15:37] Fluffacorn#8778 oh and make sure you have replay save on [11/19/2021 15:37] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll be spectating and it should save your replays, but just in case it doesn't I do want to save all replays for archiving purposes [11/19/2021 15:44] TanukiWeirdo#0805 i going up against delta {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911401471046742076/Picture_of_me_12.png [11/19/2021 15:44] Fluffacorn#8778 this fucking DK [11/19/2021 15:44] Fluffacorn#8778 and yea seeding is usually top players fight bottom players because whoever decided to run tournaments in 1913 hates underdogs [11/19/2021 15:45] sunlust#6726 https://tenor.com/view/mulch-spongebob-squidward-home-depot-more-mulch-gif-18835874 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mulch-spongebob-squidward-home-depot-more-mulch-gif-18835874 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/YxvWWK39OwWxOayhjaIEk4iSA_z_7bWffJcPtX12jlw/https/media.tenor.co/images/d1ac177a8b887bf0840a7219f4996938/tenor.png [11/19/2021 15:45] TanukiWeirdo#0805 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911401822185459732/1441178734061662211.gif [11/19/2021 15:50] Portabello#1995 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443218055204569110/798719449326288986/thanos_boof.gif {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443218055204569110/798719449326288986/thanos_boof.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/443218055204569110/798719449326288986/thanos_boof.gif [11/19/2021 15:50] Fluffacorn#8778 10 minutes until the thing starts [11/19/2021 15:50] Portabello#1995 boutta get infinity stoned you don even know [11/19/2021 15:50] TanukiWeirdo#0805 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911403132280504360/image0.gif [11/19/2021 15:51] sunlust#6726 https://tenor.com/view/sad-gif-22469622 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/sad-gif-22469622 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/afKLxGHMgOslI8er70FwNScXytkwYjuRxVTg8A2wAkY/https/media.tenor.co/images/2cb29afbef79ad32f650768329114b48/tenor.png [11/19/2021 15:58] Fluffacorn#8778 @sunlust @Portabello get ready, your match is in 2 minutes [11/19/2021 16:13] Fluffacorn#8778 @Portabello @sunlust remember it's Bo5 so port needs to win one more and drew needs to win 2 more [11/19/2021 16:13] sunlust#6726 oh [11/19/2021 16:13] Portabello#1995 yeah [11/19/2021 16:13] Portabello#1995 cmom [11/19/2021 16:13] fuck#6057 stink for brains [11/19/2021 16:13] Fluffacorn#8778 not nice [11/19/2021 16:13] sunlust#6726 mbad [11/19/2021 16:13] Fluffacorn#8778 B( [11/19/2021 16:13] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/shocked-vegeta-what-huh-meme-gif-16736879 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/shocked-vegeta-what-huh-meme-gif-16736879 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/VF5jWql-VBesdGul6p792YX9_cSRs-DaLwbvE_lwZ18/https/media.tenor.co/images/e52b8ca7e3b23f1a0056492f5d0fd7c9/tenor.png [11/19/2021 16:13] TanukiWeirdo#0805 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911408994030080000/1636520314043.png [11/19/2021 16:17] LeDelta#6912 thank god im trying to load the game anyways [11/19/2021 16:18] fuck#6057 Pinned a message. [11/19/2021 16:21] sunlust#6726 did i win [11/19/2021 16:21] fuck#6057 no [11/19/2021 16:21] Fluffacorn#8778 @TanukiWeirdo @LeDelta [11/19/2021 16:21] sunlust#6726 im serious [11/19/2021 16:21] sunlust#6726 did i [11/19/2021 16:21] LeDelta#6912 ready for inv [11/19/2021 16:21] Fluffacorn#8778 yes [11/19/2021 16:21] sunlust#6726 :D [11/19/2021 16:22] LeDelta#6912 i don't have gabuu [11/19/2021 16:22] TanukiWeirdo#0805 it's time {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911411137818525716/Picture_of_me_12.png [11/19/2021 16:22] Fluffacorn#8778 add me if you don't have delta added [11/19/2021 16:22] LeDelta#6912 ): [11/19/2021 16:23] Fluffacorn#8778 https://steamcommunity.com/id/FIuffacorn/ {Embed} https://steamcommunity.com/id/FIuffacorn/ Steam Community :: Fluffacorn #FreeMelee Free Melee I'm ngl Buy ZeroRanger and Hollow Knight My Trade Link https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/CFskXZsM7PAJ59uqnft4vHjIfdW7j1jns0vES32oNfA/https/cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/0d/0d438406c6084d36a1079771d19dfc9f0d724872_full.jpg [11/19/2021 16:23] fuck#6057 something to remember, we are not using rollback beta [11/19/2021 16:23] Fluffacorn#8778 yeah the rollback beta is horrible [11/19/2021 16:23] fuck#6057 its really buggy and spectator doesnt work [11/19/2021 16:23] LeDelta#6912 remind me to change the steam friends to old [11/19/2021 16:24] Fluffacorn#8778 yea [11/19/2021 16:24] TanukiWeirdo#0805 got u [11/19/2021 16:25] TanukiWeirdo#0805 now where dleta [11/19/2021 16:25] Fluffacorn#8778 INVITING YOU RN [11/19/2021 16:25] Fluffacorn#8778 why was that caps [11/19/2021 16:26] LeDelta#6912 you aren't showing the game btw [11/19/2021 16:26] LeDelta#6912 still the icon [11/19/2021 16:27] fuck#6057 @Fluffacorn [11/19/2021 16:27] Fluffacorn#8778 ik [11/19/2021 16:27] TanukiWeirdo#0805 im sorri [11/19/2021 16:27] Fluffacorn#8778 gabuu hasn't joined yet [11/19/2021 16:27] Fluffacorn#8778 it's fine [11/19/2021 16:27] fuck#6057 ah fair [11/19/2021 16:27] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/hamsters-dance-swag-rap-gif-15546611 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hamsters-dance-swag-rap-gif-15546611 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/whNEY1RU0OTl7YI4oJc4H7s2XDkUReCel6pPFnzPdCc/https/media.tenor.co/images/a8225e74af1e2e569c9bb0fefe647306/tenor.png [11/19/2021 16:27] LeDelta#6912 https://tenor.com/view/rollback-rollback-netcode-netcode-punches-skullgirls-gif-20795281 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/rollback-rollback-netcode-netcode-punches-skullgirls-gif-20795281 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/dp-40baVKfWMTOMCu7BB5R40khcZ06p2kIXapou_VcQ/https/media.tenor.co/images/22d78e92536b5c003e9bd289a8401a1c/tenor.png [11/19/2021 16:28] TanukiWeirdo#0805 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911412549331845161/1632588349767.png [11/19/2021 16:45] Fluffacorn#8778 @Minus @sunlust [11/19/2021 16:45] Fluffacorn#8778 sh [11/19/2021 16:45] LeDelta#6912 i like how you guys noticed all the times i threw [11/19/2021 16:46] sunlust#6726 DELTA YOU HAD THAT [11/19/2021 16:46] fuck#6057 bro dont dq minus in 5 minutes we literally waited 13 minutes for gab [11/19/2021 16:46] fuck#6057 also delta you HAD THAT [11/19/2021 16:46] LeDelta#6912 yeah [11/19/2021 16:46] LeDelta#6912 and? [11/19/2021 16:46] LeDelta#6912 i wanted to put a show [11/19/2021 16:46] sunlust#6726 :( [11/19/2021 16:46] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll wait 10 minutes sure [11/19/2021 16:46] Fluffacorn#8778 the difference is that gabuu was alive [11/19/2021 16:46] sunlust#6726 YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN A GAME OFF HIM ATLEAST [11/19/2021 16:46] Fluffacorn#8778 @TanukiWeirdo @fuck [11/19/2021 16:46] Fluffacorn#8778 you two first actually [11/19/2021 16:47] fuck#6057 wait what [11/19/2021 16:47] LeDelta#6912 i like to mention i haven't touched this game since october [11/19/2021 16:47] fuck#6057 you did really good i wont lie [11/19/2021 16:47] LeDelta#6912 but i did throw at the end [11/19/2021 16:47] Fluffacorn#8778 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911417477391589386/unknown.png [11/19/2021 16:47] Portabello#1995 you better not play ffxiv like that imma be real with you [11/19/2021 16:47] Fluffacorn#8778 it's minus v sun and pluto vs gabuu [11/19/2021 16:47] fuck#6057 ah fair fair [11/19/2021 16:47] fuck#6057 ill go first i suppose [11/19/2021 16:48] sunlust#6726 pluto please win. [11/19/2021 16:48] sunlust#6726 please [11/19/2021 16:48] Portabello#1995 https://tenor.com/view/lit-homer-die-lit-gif-21866685 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/lit-homer-die-lit-gif-21866685 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Guw9IdSPjSvpo3p5KE8MgBSHbhCtW-tRVb2ar6oMiQs/https/media.tenor.co/images/54c03ce2a01841e7d91e6240317ba87c/tenor.png [11/19/2021 16:48] LeDelta#6912 that was 100% my fault [11/19/2021 16:51] LeDelta#6912 time to put on smt music [11/19/2021 17:08] fuck#6057 ALL OF MY POWER JUST WENT OUT [11/19/2021 17:08] fuck#6057 ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME [11/19/2021 17:08] Fluffacorn#8778 what the fuck lmfao [11/19/2021 17:08] LeDelta#6912 fucking lol [11/19/2021 17:08] sunlust#6726 NOOOOOOOOOOO [11/19/2021 17:08] Fluffacorn#8778 how long do you reckon that'll take to fix [11/19/2021 17:08] TanukiWeirdo#0805 gonna win anyways [11/19/2021 17:08] sunlust#6726 who are you? [11/19/2021 17:08] fuck#6057 gab you fucking suck at this game idk what you mean [11/19/2021 17:08] fuck#6057 give me 4 mins [11/19/2021 17:08] Fluffacorn#8778 be tbet [11/19/2021 17:08] fuck#6057 then dq me to losers [11/19/2021 17:09] TanukiWeirdo#0805 😦 [11/19/2021 17:09] LeDelta#6912 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911422880535961660/IMG_20210829_220541.jpg [11/19/2021 17:09] LeDelta#6912 also im not playing blue archive anymore i don't know why my discord did that [11/19/2021 17:10] sunlust#6726 @Fluffacorn SHES COMING BACK [11/19/2021 17:10] sunlust#6726 IT WENT OUT FOR A SPLIT SECOND [11/19/2021 17:10] Fluffacorn#8778 OH? [11/19/2021 17:10] Fluffacorn#8778 ok swag [11/19/2021 17:10] sunlust#6726 BOTTING HER PC RN [11/19/2021 17:10] LeDelta#6912 It can be one match [11/19/2021 17:10] Fluffacorn#8778 swag [11/19/2021 17:11] LeDelta#6912 And minus is still not here btw [11/19/2021 17:11] Fluffacorn#8778 minus in hell rn [11/19/2021 17:12] TanukiWeirdo#0805 i wanna kick minus's asss today 😦 [11/19/2021 17:13] Fluffacorn#8778 @fuck u [11/19/2021 17:13] fuck#6057 steam isnt signing innnnnnnnnn [11/19/2021 17:13] Fluffacorn#8778 that's fine [11/19/2021 17:16] sunlust#6726 is minus dq dq'd? [11/19/2021 17:16] sunlust#6726 i think he should be [11/19/2021 17:16] sunlust#6726 mfs GONE [11/19/2021 17:16] Fluffacorn#8778 his match hasn't started yet so [11/19/2021 17:16] fuck#6057 alright so steam fuckin sucks, just put me in losers itll take too much time i guess [11/19/2021 17:16] Portabello#1995 mf it was supposed to earlier though [11/19/2021 17:16] fuck#6057 i hate steam so much [11/19/2021 17:16] Fluffacorn#8778 alright then [11/19/2021 17:16] Portabello#1995 it won't sign her in this shitter just wins by default [11/19/2021 17:16] sunlust#6726 🙄 [11/19/2021 17:17] Fluffacorn#8778 love steam [11/19/2021 17:17] fuck#6057 nonono not forfeiting [11/19/2021 17:17] fuck#6057 just saving time [11/19/2021 17:17] Fluffacorn#8778 yea you're just in losers [11/19/2021 17:17] fuck#6057 because steam sucks [11/19/2021 17:17] Fluffacorn#8778 @sunlust @Minus [11/19/2021 17:17] LeDelta#6912 we should go to losers [11/19/2021 17:17] Fluffacorn#8778 see [11/19/2021 17:17] Fluffacorn#8778 losers is pluto vs port [11/19/2021 17:18] TanukiWeirdo#0805 @Minus GET IN HERE SO I CAN BEAT YOUR ASS [11/19/2021 17:18] LeDelta#6912 @Minus im making you white [11/19/2021 17:18] sunlust#6726 please dont show up please dont show up please dont show up please dont show up please dont show up please dont show up please dont show up [11/19/2021 17:20] fuck#6057 if no match is starting then ill just try to restart my computer again [11/19/2021 17:20] Fluffacorn#8778 you should give it a shot [11/19/2021 17:20] Fluffacorn#8778 if you can get this in before minus match I can restart you vs gabuu and start it 2-1 [11/19/2021 17:21] fuck#6057 sexy [11/19/2021 17:21] sunlust#6726 LET ME SPEAK [11/19/2021 17:22] fuck#6057 i might as well be using epic games dawg holy fuck steam sucks [11/19/2021 17:22] LeDelta#6912 btw i like to mention we started this an hour early [11/19/2021 17:22] Fluffacorn#8778 we did not [11/19/2021 17:22] LeDelta#6912 i was looking at est [11/19/2021 17:23] fuck#6057 the weird thing is when i open the game i can see everything but i cant access chats [11/19/2021 17:24] fuck#6057 because im apparently offline [11/19/2021 17:24] Fluffacorn#8778 @sunlust @TanukiWeirdo [11/19/2021 17:24] Fluffacorn#8778 your turn [11/19/2021 17:24] sunlust#6726 PLUTO OPENED THE GAME [11/19/2021 17:24] LeDelta#6912 you can try getting the old steam friends [11/19/2021 17:24] Fluffacorn#8778 are you online in friends? [11/19/2021 17:24] fuck#6057 ITS BACK [11/19/2021 17:24] fuck#6057 ITS BACK [11/19/2021 17:24] Fluffacorn#8778 SWAG [11/19/2021 17:24] Fluffacorn#8778 you're in losers [11/19/2021 17:24] Fluffacorn#8778 glgl [11/19/2021 17:24] fuck#6057 got damn [11/19/2021 17:25] fuck#6057 what match is up now [11/19/2021 17:25] Fluffacorn#8778 gabu vs sun [11/19/2021 17:25] fuck#6057 beat his ass drew [11/19/2021 17:25] Fluffacorn#8778 suck his dick [11/19/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 @fuck @Portabello [11/19/2021 17:51] fuck#6057 FUCK [11/19/2021 18:06] Fluffacorn#8778 @LeDelta @Portabello you two [11/19/2021 18:06] Fluffacorn#8778 it's time [11/19/2021 18:06] LeDelta#6912 inv [11/19/2021 18:07] LeDelta#6912 give me a bit rivals did not like me putting my controller. [11/19/2021 18:07] Fluffacorn#8778 nice [11/19/2021 18:08] LeDelta#6912 i need to restart my game [11/19/2021 18:08] LeDelta#6912 contoller not registering [11/19/2021 18:08] sunlust#6726 post current bracket @Fluffacorn [11/19/2021 18:09] Fluffacorn#8778 its on stream [11/19/2021 18:09] sunlust#6726 POST [11/19/2021 18:09] sunlust#6726 IT [11/19/2021 18:09] Fluffacorn#8778 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911437989970857994/bracket.PNG [11/19/2021 18:09] Fluffacorn#8778 goop [11/19/2021 18:09] sunlust#6726 :D [11/19/2021 18:10] Fluffacorn#8778 (pinned) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911438263087136798/bracket2.PNG [11/19/2021 18:10] sunlust#6726 Pinned a message. [11/19/2021 18:10] LeDelta#6912 ??? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911438403655073822/unknown.png [11/19/2021 18:10] Fluffacorn#8778 are you on rollback or smth [11/19/2021 18:11] TanukiWeirdo#0805 or any beta? [11/19/2021 18:11] LeDelta#6912 No I'm on base [11/19/2021 18:11] Fluffacorn#8778 restart maybe [11/19/2021 18:11] TanukiWeirdo#0805 are you sure [11/19/2021 18:11] LeDelta#6912 let me check [11/19/2021 18:12] LeDelta#6912 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911438817179885608/unknown.png [11/19/2021 18:12] Fluffacorn#8778 hmmm [11/19/2021 18:13] LeDelta#6912 Restarting game [11/19/2021 18:14] Fluffacorn#8778 @LeDelta @LeDelta @LeDelta @LeDelta [11/19/2021 18:14] LeDelta#6912 i got kicked again [11/19/2021 18:14] Fluffacorn#8778 what the goober [11/19/2021 18:14] Fluffacorn#8778 ill restart lobby [11/19/2021 18:14] LeDelta#6912 im not in the beta??? [11/19/2021 18:15] LeDelta#6912 that was weird [11/19/2021 18:15] LeDelta#6912 lets do this [11/19/2021 18:15] Portabello#1995 all good? [11/19/2021 18:15] LeDelta#6912 ye [11/19/2021 18:15] Portabello#1995 good luck dude [11/19/2021 18:15] Fluffacorn#8778 swag [11/19/2021 18:16] Portabello#1995 ok [11/19/2021 18:16] Fluffacorn#8778 did it DC [11/19/2021 18:16] Portabello#1995 instantly [11/19/2021 18:16] Fluffacorn#8778 what the goop [11/19/2021 18:17] LeDelta#6912 Huh [11/19/2021 18:20] Fluffacorn#8778 toast is the issue [11/19/2021 18:20] Fluffacorn#8778 apologies [11/19/2021 18:20] Portabello#1995 ? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911388692122337320/911440888545308723/unknown.png [11/19/2021 18:20] LeDelta#6912 That is fucking hilarious [11/19/2021 18:21] Portabello#1995 idk what this means [11/19/2021 18:21] Fluffacorn#8778 lmfao [11/19/2021 18:21] LeDelta#6912 I was the only one to not crash [11/19/2021 18:21] Fluffacorn#8778 crash [11/19/2021 18:21] Fluffacorn#8778 it's fine though we'll rerun that [11/19/2021 18:21] Fluffacorn#8778 should be good [11/19/2021 18:21] Portabello#1995 ik it's a crash was it just me [11/19/2021 18:21] fuck#6057 nah i crashed too [11/19/2021 18:21] Portabello#1995 the fuck]\ [11/19/2021 18:21] LeDelta#6912 How did everyone crash [11/19/2021 18:21] fuck#6057 we're guessing its from the spectators [11/19/2021 18:22] fuck#6057 toast just joined to watch the game and the entire thing crashed [11/19/2021 18:26] Portabello#1995 gg [11/19/2021 18:27] Fluffacorn#8778 @Portabello @TanukiWeirdo [11/19/2021 18:29] Portabello#1995 shoutouts to toast [11/19/2021 18:29] Portabello#1995 (thanks toast) [11/19/2021 18:29] Fluffacorn#8778 toast out for now [11/19/2021 18:29] Fluffacorn#8778 so no more of that [11/19/2021 18:46] Portabello#1995 toast [11/19/2021 18:46] Portabello#1995 for the love of fuck [11/19/2021 18:46] Fluffacorn#8778 run that back [11/19/2021 18:46] sunlust#6726 was that toast? [11/19/2021 18:46] Fluffacorn#8778 probably [11/19/2021 19:14] Fluffacorn#8778 ima kill toast [11/19/2021 19:14] Fluffacorn#8778 she's not speccing this one dw [11/19/2021 19:14] fuck#6057 lmao [11/19/2021 19:14] Portabello#1995 toast go to hell challenge [11/19/2021 19:14] fuck#6057 good [11/19/2021 19:14] fuck#6057 i like commentating in chill anyways [11/19/2021 19:14] Fluffacorn#8778 swag [11/19/2021 19:14] fuck#6057 i dont wanna be talked over by toast B) [11/19/2021 19:14] Portabello#1995 https://tenor.com/view/rollback-rollback-netcode-netcode-punches-skullgirls-gif-20795281 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/rollback-rollback-netcode-netcode-punches-skullgirls-gif-20795281 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/dp-40baVKfWMTOMCu7BB5R40khcZ06p2kIXapou_VcQ/https/media.tenor.co/images/22d78e92536b5c003e9bd289a8401a1c/tenor.png [11/19/2021 19:15] Portabello#1995 all this lag and desync crap is kinda making me lose it ngl [11/19/2021 19:15] fuck#6057 ik [11/19/2021 19:15] sunlust#6726 you're playing like a monster bro [11/19/2021 19:15] Fluffacorn#8778 get in ere [11/19/2021 19:15] Fluffacorn#8778 you're both really even, 2-1 [11/19/2021 19:15] Portabello#1995 coughed up my liver 3 min ago [11/19/2021 19:15] sunlust#6726 my throat is SO dry [11/19/2021 19:15] sunlust#6726 dw [11/19/2021 19:15] Portabello#1995 shits throwin it back on the rug [11/19/2021 19:15] Portabello#1995 go liver go [11/19/2021 19:16] Fluffacorn#8778 2-1 [11/19/2021 19:30] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/19/2021 19:30] Fluffacorn#8778 well boys it was a good run [11/19/2021 19:30] Fluffacorn#8778 you're both dying [11/19/2021 19:30] Fluffacorn#8778 well [11/19/2021 19:30] Fluffacorn#8778 you're all dying [11/19/2021 19:30] fuck#6057 that was so fun to watch [11/19/2021 19:30] sunlust#6726 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/375094458636828673/896541366631415859/image0.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/375094458636828673/896541366631415859/image0.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/375094458636828673/896541366631415859/image0.gif [11/19/2021 19:30] Fluffacorn#8778 any last words before I destroy the GC [11/19/2021 19:31] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/shocked-vegeta-what-huh-meme-gif-16736879 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/shocked-vegeta-what-huh-meme-gif-16736879 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/VF5jWql-VBesdGul6p792YX9_cSRs-DaLwbvE_lwZ18/https/media.tenor.co/images/e52b8ca7e3b23f1a0056492f5d0fd7c9/tenor.png [11/19/2021 19:31] sunlust#6726 u guys r awesome [11/19/2021 19:31] sunlust#6726 besides you gabuu [11/19/2021 19:31] LeDelta#6912 I threw [11/19/2021 19:31] fuck#6057 love this game [11/19/2021 19:31] sunlust#6726 :yougly: [11/19/2021 19:31] fuck#6057 i hate gab [11/19/2021 19:31] fuck#6057 thats it [11/19/2021 19:31] Fluffacorn#8778 lmfao [11/19/2021 19:31] sunlust#6726 LIFE IN THE FAST LANE [11/19/2021 19:31] sunlust#6726 IM OUT BABY [11/19/2021 19:31] sunlust#6726 Removed a recipient. [11/19/2021 19:31] Fluffacorn#8778 among us arena soon goobers [11/19/2021 19:31] LeDelta#6912 Also I have been working on a laptop so I haven't watched the stream ============================================================== Exported 362 message(s) ==============================================================