============================================================== Guild: Direct Messages Channel: Group / Triple Bear: Quake 1 (ARCHIVE) ============================================================== [11/19/2021 23:31] Fluffacorn#8778 I realize now that I do not have creme added on my friends list [11/19/2021 23:31] Fluffacorn#8778 but he's in here [11/19/2021 23:31] fuck#6057 Added a recipient. [11/19/2021 23:32] Fluffacorn#8778 thank u [11/19/2021 23:32] fuck#6057 you know its bad when doe is on your friends list but not fucking creme [11/19/2021 23:32] Fluffacorn#8778 🕋 [11/19/2021 23:32] sunlust#6726 Changed the channel name. [11/19/2021 23:32] sunlust#6726 FLUFF. [11/19/2021 23:32] sunlust#6726 NO WAY. [11/19/2021 23:32] sunlust#6726 ARE U FR [11/19/2021 23:33] Fluffacorn#8778 yea [11/19/2021 23:33] Fluffacorn#8778 pain [11/19/2021 23:33] fuck#6057 not a word chat [11/19/2021 23:33] sunlust#6726 Changed the channel icon. [11/19/2021 23:33] fuck#6057 Changed the channel icon. [11/19/2021 23:33] sunlust#6726 set picture to cane because Fuck you [11/19/2021 23:33] sunlust#6726 HEY [11/19/2021 23:33] fuck#6057 cain [11/19/2021 23:33] sunlust#6726 stfu fatty [11/19/2021 23:33] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/19/2021 23:33] sunlust#6726 FATSTER [11/19/2021 23:33] Fluffacorn#8778 https://tenor.com/view/travis-scott-travis-scott-apology-gif-23729204 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/travis-scott-travis-scott-apology-gif-23729204 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jPvaGt7nxf2GbzRY_x1gWcz_qgNKMuODgzoTBXNiAhU/https/media.tenor.co/images/7fc2c6c738796703088d5de6a403c551/tenor.png [11/19/2021 23:33] sunlust#6726 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911519090043125771/911519722116358144/IMG_5761.jpg [11/19/2021 23:33] fuck#6057 Changed the channel icon. [11/19/2021 23:33] sunlust#6726 me [11/19/2021 23:34] sunlust#6726 only 5? [11/19/2021 23:34] sunlust#6726 atleast ffa will be good [11/19/2021 23:34] Fluffacorn#8778 yea [11/19/2021 23:34] fuck#6057 bro not even toast [11/19/2021 23:35] Fluffacorn#8778 the way the tournament works is a hybrid FFA / 1 on 1 so it'll be fine [11/19/2021 23:35] fuck#6057 wtf [11/19/2021 23:35] Fluffacorn#8778 toast dropped every event to commentate [11/19/2021 23:35] sunlust#6726 FEAR [11/19/2021 23:35] fuck#6057 i swear we usually get more people to play quake [11/19/2021 23:35] fuck#6057 not even skelly bro [11/19/2021 23:35] Fluffacorn#8778 giggs would have joined us but his headphones are fucked [11/19/2021 23:35] Fluffacorn#8778 skelly doesn't trust his internet [11/19/2021 23:35] fuck#6057 thats fair [11/19/2021 23:35] fuck#6057 thats also fair [11/19/2021 23:35] sunlust#6726 😵‍💫 [11/19/2021 23:35] Fluffacorn#8778 somehow poz didn't join [11/19/2021 23:35] Fluffacorn#8778 surprised at that one [11/19/2021 23:35] sunlust#6726 as long as i beat this one [11/19/2021 23:36] sunlust#6726 how many in fof [11/19/2021 23:36] sunlust#6726 sounds funny [11/19/2021 23:36] Fluffacorn#8778 7 [11/19/2021 23:36] fuck#6057 jesus [11/19/2021 23:36] fuck#6057 i already said this but i wont be trying to win fof, im only going to kamikaze with dynamite [11/19/2021 23:36] fuck#6057 specifically the people top scoring [11/19/2021 23:37] Fluffacorn#8778 fistful has far and away the most peopel so it works [11/20/2021 07:24] Creemo#2321 man who chose these games [11/20/2021 09:30] D Vana#1694 Time to clutch out a game I hardly play [11/20/2021 10:34] sunlust#6726 fluff [11/20/2021 10:34] sunlust#6726 i need all the maps [11/20/2021 11:17] D Vana#1694 tried to queue for a game of Quake and just remembered this is a dead game no one plays [11/20/2021 11:17] D Vana#1694 608 servers and no casual games [11/20/2021 13:30] Fluffacorn#8778 yeah its sad [11/20/2021 13:30] sunlust#6726 FLUFF [11/20/2021 13:30] Fluffacorn#8778 lemme grab em [11/20/2021 13:30] sunlust#6726 https://tenor.com/view/gmod-gmod-dance-oldman-gif-21216951 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/gmod-gmod-dance-oldman-gif-21216951 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HfqgsfLCPZe7V5SfuDyBfbOWHifFlbhyRBXJpxjRdeg/https/media.tenor.co/images/1e139ec70a2ae935050d31ce10dbaaed/tenor.png [11/20/2021 13:40] Fluffacorn#8778 (pinned) @sunlust {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911519090043125771/911732719493451797/unknown.png [11/20/2021 13:40] Fluffacorn#8778 that took forever but [11/20/2021 13:40] Fluffacorn#8778 these are the maps [11/20/2021 13:40] Fluffacorn#8778 you are not likely to find a server with MGDM3 [11/20/2021 13:40] sunlust#6726 uh [11/20/2021 13:40] sunlust#6726 can u just send me ur maps folder [11/20/2021 13:40] sunlust#6726 LOL [11/20/2021 13:40] Fluffacorn#8778 I had to port that from the quake steam release myself [11/20/2021 13:41] Fluffacorn#8778 I could but [11/20/2021 13:41] sunlust#6726 or just mass send the .bsps here [11/20/2021 13:41] sunlust#6726 because they are all teeny tiny [11/20/2021 13:41] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll grab all dese maps and send em here [11/20/2021 13:41] Fluffacorn#8778 if I sent you my maps folder you would blow up [11/20/2021 13:43] Fluffacorn#8778 (pinned) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911519090043125771/911733524850167828/quake_maps.tar.gz [11/20/2021 13:43] Fluffacorn#8778 every map that's run in the tournament [11/20/2021 13:43] Fluffacorn#8778 MGDM3 will spit a lot of errors at you but it's fine, they affect the skybox but the map itself will still load [11/20/2021 13:47] sunlust#6726 Pinned a message. [11/20/2021 13:47] sunlust#6726 gang [11/20/2021 13:52] Fluffacorn#8778 oh yeah something I never mentioned, the server I'm using runs modern antilag [11/20/2021 13:52] Fluffacorn#8778 should make a better experience for everyone, it's virtually lagless under 100 ping and makes higher ping way better [11/20/2021 13:52] Fluffacorn#8778 `however` if something breaks do let me know, it's still in beta and we're a part of it [11/20/2021 14:09] Fluffacorn#8778 (pinned) `connect` [11/20/2021 14:09] Fluffacorn#8778 tournament doesn't start for 2 hours, but this is the server that'll be used [11/20/2021 14:12] fuck#6057 Pinned a message. [11/20/2021 14:29] fuck#6057 @Fluffacorn just a heads up, ill probably be a little late for the quake event because im going out to dinner [11/20/2021 14:29] Fluffacorn#8778 how late [11/20/2021 14:29] fuck#6057 not entirely sure [11/20/2021 14:29] fuck#6057 at most 30 minutes after [11/20/2021 14:29] fuck#6057 hopefully not tho [11/20/2021 14:29] fuck#6057 ill update you either way while im gone [11/20/2021 14:30] Fluffacorn#8778 could just delay the tourney 30 minutes or so, gives me more time to fiddle with the settings and I don't think anyone minds all too much? [11/20/2021 14:31] Portabello#1995 shouldn't be the end of the world no [11/20/2021 14:31] Portabello#1995 but we hate pluto **anyways** so [11/20/2021 14:31] Fluffacorn#8778 that's true asf [11/20/2021 14:31] Fluffacorn#8778 tournament starts an hour early actually [11/20/2021 14:47] Creemo#2321 Dinner [11/20/2021 14:47] sunlust#6726 wait so like, 10 minutes? [11/20/2021 14:47] Creemo#2321 wait fuck [11/20/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 wait what [11/20/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 hold on [11/20/2021 14:48] Creemo#2321 is it really an hour early wtf? [11/20/2021 14:48] sunlust#6726 ayyo fluff what im tryna play halo [11/20/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 quake 1 is at 7 pst [11/20/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 no [11/20/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 sorry [11/20/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 est [11/20/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 so 4 pst [11/20/2021 14:49] fuck#6057 fluff meant that its an hour early than when it was set up the first time [11/20/2021 14:59] Creemo#2321 FUCKING FU [11/20/2021 14:59] Creemo#2321 ok [11/20/2021 15:04] Fluffacorn#8778 no that was a bit [11/20/2021 15:05] Fluffacorn#8778 doesn't start till 4:00 or 4:30, depending on when pluto gets back [11/20/2021 15:06] Creemo#2321 i ate dinner on time :)) [11/20/2021 15:07] Fluffacorn#8778 B) [11/20/2021 15:07] fuck#6057 if i dont make it by like 4:15 just cut me out [11/20/2021 15:08] fuck#6057 ill give an update on if you should wait tho if im getting close to home or not [11/20/2021 15:08] Fluffacorn#8778 bet [11/20/2021 15:08] Fluffacorn#8778 i'll wait till 30 it's fine [11/20/2021 15:46] fuck#6057 @Fluffacorn im not gonna be making it in time lmao [11/20/2021 15:46] fuck#6057 we are still waiting to get in the restaurant [11/20/2021 15:46] Fluffacorn#8778 lmfao bet [11/20/2021 15:46] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll start at the standard time I guess [11/20/2021 15:46] fuck#6057 so just go ahead without me [11/20/2021 15:47] Fluffacorn#8778 you're gonna be able to make your salty suite right? [11/20/2021 15:47] fuck#6057 oh yeah definitely [11/20/2021 15:47] Fluffacorn#8778 swag swag [11/20/2021 15:47] fuck#6057 thats at 10 pm est so ill have time [11/20/2021 15:53] Fluffacorn#8778 @everyone games will start in 23 minutes or so [11/20/2021 15:53] Fluffacorn#8778 starting at 4:15 instead of 4:00 on the nose just to make sure everyone's all set [11/20/2021 15:53] Creemo#2321 whats map hub called again [11/20/2021 15:53] Fluffacorn#8778 maphub_v1 [11/20/2021 15:54] D Vana#1694 Ok eating lasagna rn [11/20/2021 15:54] D Vana#1694 :chew: [11/20/2021 15:54] D Vana#1694 I'll queue in in a minute [11/20/2021 15:55] Fluffacorn#8778 swag [11/20/2021 16:11] Fluffacorn#8778 restarted the servers [11/20/2021 16:11] Fluffacorn#8778 hopefully that fixes it? [11/20/2021 16:11] Creemo#2321 brbrbrbrbrbrbrbr [11/20/2021 16:20] sunlust#6726 Pinned a message. [11/20/2021 16:30] Fluffacorn#8778 @everyone triple bear time [11/20/2021 16:30] D Vana#1694 sweet [11/20/2021 16:30] D Vana#1694 anything we should be doing other than being in the game [11/20/2021 16:31] Fluffacorn#8778 nah you're all good [11/20/2021 16:31] Fluffacorn#8778 my server saves all replays [11/20/2021 16:37] Fluffacorn#8778 @Portabello u [11/20/2021 16:38] sunlust#6726 says hes on quake [11/20/2021 16:38] D Vana#1694 yea he was just on for warmups [11/20/2021 16:38] Fluffacorn#8778 swag [11/20/2021 16:38] Fluffacorn#8778 waiting for him to join [11/20/2021 16:39] Portabello#1995 sorry [11/20/2021 16:39] Creemo#2321 everything smells like gas [11/20/2021 16:39] Fluffacorn#8778 is ok [11/20/2021 18:14] Fluffacorn#8778 @Portabello U [11/20/2021 18:14] Portabello#1995 what [11/20/2021 18:14] sunlust#6726 PLAY [11/20/2021 18:14] Fluffacorn#8778 you vs creme [11/20/2021 18:14] D Vana#1694 again? [11/20/2021 18:14] D Vana#1694 I thought that was GF [11/20/2021 18:15] Fluffacorn#8778 there's a losers bracket [11/20/2021 18:15] Portabello#1995 https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eVWUAYsEonS0O7vGwURFZcY0htNrYLFK6RIreIcFiWg/https/media.tenor.co/images/cdd7a9e08e70529d7fb258883be60cb2/tenor.png [11/20/2021 18:15] Fluffacorn#8778 winner of that fights sun in GF [11/20/2021 18:15] Portabello#1995 dog i ain't clutchin two losing matchups in a row [11/20/2021 18:15] Fluffacorn#8778 is that a forfeit or [11/20/2021 18:15] Portabello#1995 yeah [11/20/2021 18:15] Portabello#1995 get him drew [11/20/2021 18:15] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/rule150-no-among-us-arena-gif-23699513 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/rule150-no-among-us-arena-gif-23699513 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/U_duhC3dmHA4i3FDyDnZyX-U83EpeAFGNV_xdWgurso/https/media.tenor.co/images/c0de9e6a801e8edb13595e0215dc7917/tenor.png [11/20/2021 18:15] Fluffacorn#8778 lmoa alright [11/20/2021 18:15] sunlust#6726 cowardice. [11/20/2021 18:15] sunlust#6726 sure. [11/20/2021 18:15] Portabello#1995 get some pussy [11/20/2021 18:16] D Vana#1694 https://tenor.com/view/red-anton-anton-no-country-old-men-quake-gif-19630474 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/red-anton-anton-no-country-old-men-quake-gif-19630474 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/_kzr9ykiAGmK0uoDm9fP1I9FRAGivWaTi5yhYlmzT-c/https/media.tenor.co/images/7b9bc7dcbbfe9aa2c823411fc76fb23f/tenor.png [11/20/2021 18:16] sunlust#6726 YOU ALMOST HAD HIM THOUGH [11/20/2021 18:16] sunlust#6726 WTF [11/20/2021 18:16] Portabello#1995 idc i have hw lol [11/20/2021 18:16] Creemo#2321 get on pussy [11/20/2021 18:16] sunlust#6726 GET THE FUCK IN [11/20/2021 18:16] Fluffacorn#8778 that mf gone [11/20/2021 18:16] Fluffacorn#8778 sun vs creme [11/20/2021 18:16] D Vana#1694 Port forfeited [11/20/2021 18:16] sunlust#6726 https://tenor.com/view/packwatch-gif-22219180 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/packwatch-gif-22219180 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/BicZSA8Kcq61CgZp2XG_GrW-aFQ0E5PGSshqgPCsQrI/https/media.tenor.co/images/394924f9c4529d4b704edb4bf28cb85b/tenor.png [11/20/2021 18:16] sunlust#6726 https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eVWUAYsEonS0O7vGwURFZcY0htNrYLFK6RIreIcFiWg/https/media.tenor.co/images/cdd7a9e08e70529d7fb258883be60cb2/tenor.png [11/20/2021 18:16] D Vana#1694 go claim your role and beat Creme Drew [11/20/2021 18:17] sunlust#6726 ok [11/20/2021 18:17] sunlust#6726 lol [11/20/2021 18:17] Portabello#1995 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/724055819548622968/821563305369403392/myman.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/724055819548622968/821563305369403392/myman.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/724055819548622968/821563305369403392/myman.gif ============================================================== Exported 192 message(s) ==============================================================