============================================================== Guild: Direct Messages Channel: Group / Poz + Toast / Delta (ARCHIVE) ============================================================== [11/21/2021 14:35] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/21/2021 14:35] Fluffacorn#8778 you two had a very last minute salty suite but that's fine [11/21/2021 14:36] UmJammerRammy#2452 i only do last minute suites [11/21/2021 14:36] UmJammerRammy#2452 see: go fish [11/21/2021 14:36] Fluffacorn#8778 I fuck with that [11/21/2021 14:36] poztrik#6788 https://tenor.com/view/goku-kaioken-saiyan-gif-13198052 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/goku-kaioken-saiyan-gif-13198052 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/RTQ07NxUD7gqFdRly_SMHhdm05vaxel-mzj7p5d2g4Y/https/media.tenor.co/images/e67dec0cb5d54acef9dd2487e9b72ded/tenor.png [11/21/2021 14:36] UmJammerRammy#2452 was not joking about that one btw im taking you to fucking go fish tonight [11/21/2021 14:36] Fluffacorn#8778 you're insane if you thought I think that was a joke [11/21/2021 14:37] Fluffacorn#8778 I'm taking you to the pond idiot [11/21/2021 14:37] Fluffacorn#8778 ***Date: 11/21/2021 Time: Immediately after FFOF Game: Accent Core Stakes: Poz - Banana Gun; Toast - Problem Trading Card Format: Bo5*** [11/21/2021 14:37] Fluffacorn#8778 we just gotta sort out what toast's stakes are and what the format is [11/21/2021 14:37] Fluffacorn#8778 Bo3, Bo5, Bo7, Bo40, something else [11/21/2021 14:39] poztrik#6788 im taking toast's `problem?` trading card [11/21/2021 14:39] UmJammerRammy#2452 no the fuck you're not but you can try [11/21/2021 14:39] Fluffacorn#8778 LMFAO [11/21/2021 14:39] Fluffacorn#8778 these are the best stakes [11/21/2021 14:39] Fluffacorn#8778 what's the format [11/21/2021 14:39] UmJammerRammy#2452 actually hold on i may try something if i have the money for it [11/21/2021 14:39] UmJammerRammy#2452 bo5? [11/21/2021 14:39] UmJammerRammy#2452 or bo3 [11/21/2021 14:40] poztrik#6788 im down for bo5 [11/21/2021 14:40] poztrik#6788 bo3 was too shortr [11/21/2021 14:40] Fluffacorn#8778 real MF stakes [11/21/2021 15:05] poztrik#6788 wait what time when [11/21/2021 15:05] UmJammerRammy#2452 ! [11/21/2021 15:05] UmJammerRammy#2452 right after ffof ends [11/21/2021 15:05] Fluffacorn#8778 after FFOF cuz idk how long that'll last and this was an impromptu salty suite [11/21/2021 17:34] Fluffacorn#8778 @everyone [11/21/2021 17:34] Fluffacorn#8778 you two get ready [11/21/2021 17:34] UmJammerRammy#2452 ready mr [11/21/2021 17:34] poztrik#6788 rede [11/21/2021 17:34] Fluffacorn#8778 ready whenever you are [11/21/2021 17:35] poztrik#6788 like we starting soon or now [11/21/2021 17:35] poztrik#6788 ? [11/21/2021 17:35] Fluffacorn#8778 if you two are ready yep [11/21/2021 17:37] UmJammerRammy#2452 yeah [11/21/2021 17:37] poztrik#6788 needa shake off the willies rq [11/21/2021 17:37] Fluffacorn#8778 what the goop [11/21/2021 17:40] poztrik#6788 rede [11/21/2021 17:40] Fluffacorn#8778 waitin on toast [11/21/2021 17:41] poztrik#6788 you makea da lobby? [11/21/2021 17:41] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll let either of you do that [11/21/2021 17:47] poztrik#6788 im in a call with friends so idk whats happening in freak phone lol [11/21/2021 17:47] UmJammerRammy#2452 ok so {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/912109041218625557/912157261491757146/unknown.png [11/21/2021 17:47] poztrik#6788 a [11/21/2021 17:47] Fluffacorn#8778 s [11/21/2021 17:47] poztrik#6788 https://tenor.com/view/love-pizza-heart-thanos-pizza-heart-pizza-gif-14075120 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/love-pizza-heart-thanos-pizza-heart-pizza-gif-14075120 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/O8yzY7eZjfZgQdUjcwslBsLHcKaELr5f_8FfFeSDoNk/https/media.tenor.co/images/ea82875da6af9589868946644e89e08d/tenor.png [11/21/2021 17:47] Fluffacorn#8778 https://tenor.com/view/tony-stark-jarvis-gif-22373764 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/tony-stark-jarvis-gif-22373764 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/bB3xsB7pfmzeI-toQKpxpC27U-Ko-JVGuDxMGVxPxDw/https/media.tenor.co/images/974af85b1b18ec4cc40bc0cb0da00ece/tenor.png [11/21/2021 17:48] UmJammerRammy#2452 join me [11/21/2021 17:48] poztrik#6788 ke [11/21/2021 17:49] Fluffacorn#8778 says room slots full [11/21/2021 17:49] UmJammerRammy#2452 mang [11/21/2021 17:49] poztrik#6788 ah [11/21/2021 17:49] poztrik#6788 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/912109041218625557/912157772391538788/unknown.png [11/21/2021 17:49] UmJammerRammy#2452 did you join off the invite [11/21/2021 17:49] Fluffacorn#8778 joined off of ur profile [11/21/2021 17:50] poztrik#6788 try and send it again [11/21/2021 17:50] UmJammerRammy#2452 there's the issue [11/21/2021 17:50] UmJammerRammy#2452 lobby is private, use the invites [11/21/2021 17:50] Fluffacorn#8778 sendy it [11/21/2021 17:50] UmJammerRammy#2452 lemme actually uh [11/21/2021 17:51] UmJammerRammy#2452 bo3 or bo5 [11/21/2021 17:51] poztrik#6788 bo5 [11/21/2021 17:51] UmJammerRammy#2452 AUGH its dying [11/21/2021 17:51] UmJammerRammy#2452 mang [11/21/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 bo5 [11/21/2021 17:51] poztrik#6788 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/912109041218625557/912158432818262087/unknown.png [11/21/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll host a lobby ig [11/21/2021 17:52] UmJammerRammy#2452 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/912109041218625557/912158658845081650/unknown.png [11/21/2021 17:52] UmJammerRammy#2452 https://tenor.com/view/travis-scott-travis-scott-apology-gif-23729204 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/travis-scott-travis-scott-apology-gif-23729204 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jPvaGt7nxf2GbzRY_x1gWcz_qgNKMuODgzoTBXNiAhU/https/media.tenor.co/images/7fc2c6c738796703088d5de6a403c551/tenor.png [11/21/2021 17:52] Fluffacorn#8778 https://tenor.com/view/ctc-manager-promoted-risk-universalis-workfrank-gif-19922151 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/ctc-manager-promoted-risk-universalis-workfrank-gif-19922151 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/1HHLneOcZnxamPM5Nbh0s-g0RGx18PCNOGNFxUhiQsA/https/media.tenor.co/images/1bc41d634895dd4eed763e6d27015535/tenor.png [11/21/2021 17:53] UmJammerRammy#2452 so uh [11/21/2021 17:53] UmJammerRammy#2452 WAIT [11/21/2021 17:53] UmJammerRammy#2452 hold on [11/21/2021 17:53] UmJammerRammy#2452 i may be the fucking arch nemesis here [11/21/2021 17:53] poztrik#6788 linux [11/21/2021 17:53] poztrik#6788 they should add a point at screen emoji [11/21/2021 17:53] UmJammerRammy#2452 we've played before it aint that [11/21/2021 17:54] UmJammerRammy#2452 i was thinking vpn [11/21/2021 17:54] poztrik#6788 oooooh [11/21/2021 17:54] UmJammerRammy#2452 lemme try this once more [11/21/2021 17:54] UmJammerRammy#2452 invite me to a lobby sir [11/21/2021 17:54] UmJammerRammy#2452 if this dies then like fuck [11/21/2021 17:54] UmJammerRammy#2452 ok well {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/912109041218625557/912159195116224583/unknown.png [11/21/2021 17:55] UmJammerRammy#2452 god has spared you ig [11/21/2021 17:55] UmJammerRammy#2452 neither of us can connect lmfao [11/21/2021 17:55] Fluffacorn#8778 lmfao [11/21/2021 17:55] UmJammerRammy#2452 are the servers just dead [11/21/2021 17:55] Fluffacorn#8778 ig then it's delta vs poz melty blood [11/21/2021 17:55] UmJammerRammy#2452 like what is this [11/21/2021 17:55] poztrik#6788 https://tenor.com/view/travis-scott-travis-scott-apology-gif-23729204 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/travis-scott-travis-scott-apology-gif-23729204 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jPvaGt7nxf2GbzRY_x1gWcz_qgNKMuODgzoTBXNiAhU/https/media.tenor.co/images/7fc2c6c738796703088d5de6a403c551/tenor.png [11/21/2021 17:55] poztrik#6788 wait melty [11/21/2021 17:55] poztrik#6788 this is awesome [11/21/2021 17:55] UmJammerRammy#2452 https://tenor.com/view/kevin-hart-stare-blink-really-you-serious-gif-7356251 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/kevin-hart-stare-blink-really-you-serious-gif-7356251 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Z__jeskbH6pV4fYcIugaNPqd2XRppK1brXJuqm-SLRE/https/media.tenor.co/images/72e6faf9b557228462b1e2fc0f4ae466/tenor.png [11/21/2021 17:55] poztrik#6788 YES [11/21/2021 17:55] Fluffacorn#8778 idk what you and delta agreed to [11/21/2021 17:55] poztrik#6788 yeah ik [11/21/2021 17:55] poztrik#6788 im realizing nao [11/21/2021 17:55] Fluffacorn#8778 Removed a recipient. [11/21/2021 17:56] Fluffacorn#8778 Added a recipient. [11/21/2021 17:56] poztrik#6788 Changed the channel name. [11/21/2021 17:56] poztrik#6788 fuck crossout dont work [11/21/2021 17:56] Fluffacorn#8778 swag [11/21/2021 17:56] LeDelta#6912 swagalious [11/21/2021 17:56] poztrik#6788 concerto right? [11/21/2021 17:56] LeDelta#6912 ye [11/21/2021 17:56] Fluffacorn#8778 remember to stream it [11/21/2021 17:56] poztrik#6788 gotcha [11/21/2021 17:56] poztrik#6788 i'll join then [11/21/2021 17:56] LeDelta#6912 fluff could download for spectate but i don't know if we have time [11/21/2021 17:56] Fluffacorn#8778 prolly not ============================================================== Exported 117 message(s) ==============================================================