============================================================== Guild: Direct Messages Channel: Group / Pluto + Port (ARCHIVE) ============================================================== [11/17/2021 17:54] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/17/2021 17:55] Fluffacorn#8778 you two have the most fucked up salty suite I just wanna say lmoa [11/17/2021 17:55] Portabello#1995 wdym [11/17/2021 17:55] fuck#6057 wdym [11/17/2021 17:55] Fluffacorn#8778 🔫🗿 [11/17/2021 17:56] Fluffacorn#8778 (pinned) **Date: 11/20/2021 Time: 7:30 EST Game: Speedrunners Stakes: I'm not fucking typing this out BITCH you know what it is Format: Bo3; Full Games. Bo5 Is ran in a full match, so remember that** [11/17/2021 17:56] fuck#6057 saturday at 7:30 est maybe? [11/17/2021 17:57] Portabello#1995 idr the stakes can you remind me [11/17/2021 17:57] fuck#6057 and format is uhhh [11/17/2021 17:57] fuck#6057 bo3 in full games [11/17/2021 17:57] Fluffacorn#8778 I'm gonna put a stake in your heart honestly [11/17/2021 17:57] Fluffacorn#8778 alr alr I'll put that in [11/17/2021 17:57] Fluffacorn#8778 that was the easiest one to get the info for thank u gaming [11/17/2021 17:58] fuck#6057 because we are swag [11/17/2021 17:58] fuck#6057 also by full games i mean it like [11/17/2021 17:58] fuck#6057 normal matches [11/17/2021 17:58] fuck#6057 cuz matches technically have a bo3 format in them, but the matches themselves are really short [11/17/2021 17:58] fuck#6057 so i mean full matches in bo3 [11/17/2021 17:58] fuck#6057 just thought id let it be known [11/17/2021 17:59] Fluffacorn#8778 yeye I'll make sure to put a note [11/17/2021 17:59] fuck#6057 it should be done before me and minus' salty suite but if we're worried about time we can do it at just 7 est [11/17/2021 17:59] Fluffacorn#8778 if everyone is fine with it, salty suites can run late or early so time aint too much of a worry [11/17/2021 17:59] Fluffacorn#8778 but i'll make sure to check with the schedule, should be good tho [11/17/2021 18:00] Fluffacorn#8778 if anything changes I will be sure to let you all know in advance to rework something, but it seems that everything works out well unless drew and poz's salty suite causes issues with time [11/17/2021 18:02] Portabello#1995 ok love you [11/17/2021 18:02] fuck#6057 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910709613689712700/910711590423257148/swag.mp3 [11/17/2021 18:03] Portabello#1995 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910709613689712700/910711766504308776/RollingDownGeno.mp4 [11/17/2021 18:03] Fluffacorn#8778 https://tenor.com/view/i-send-you-fax-cat-printer-gif-12283004 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/i-send-you-fax-cat-printer-gif-12283004 Ti mando Fax Gatto Stampante https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9SoMjcFfuvbONQEZEWZMfw18wR8L1iU32QE77fQYoLM/https/media.tenor.co/images/f68011b158c3539f743d675a220e3722/tenor.png [11/17/2021 18:10] Fluffacorn#8778 Pinned a message. [11/17/2021 18:10] Fluffacorn#8778 realized I didn't pin this [11/17/2021 18:37] Fluffacorn#8778 oh yeah I should probably ask this rq [11/17/2021 18:38] Fluffacorn#8778 I'm pretty sure the answer is no? but did you two want the family guy bit to be streamed or nah [11/17/2021 18:40] Portabello#1995 @fuck [11/17/2021 18:55] Fluffacorn#8778 we never did find out the answer [11/17/2021 20:17] fuck#6057 oh idk [11/17/2021 20:18] fuck#6057 probably not [11/17/2021 20:18] fuck#6057 ill definitely record it tho [11/17/2021 20:18] fuck#6057 we'll get a bunch of people to watch it tho [11/17/2021 20:19] fuck#6057 or to listen to it with us at least [11/17/2021 20:27] Fluffacorn#8778 swag [11/18/2021 17:19] Fluffacorn#8778 Pinned a message. [11/18/2021 17:19] Fluffacorn#8778 realized I pinned the wrong thing [11/18/2021 17:26] Fluffacorn#8778 @fuck @Portabello just remembered you two agreed to EST [11/18/2021 17:26] Fluffacorn#8778 this SS happens 30 minutes after quake 1, it'll cut into it [11/18/2021 17:26] Portabello#1995 oh shit huh [11/18/2021 17:27] Fluffacorn#8778 the 20th is also the day with the most salty suites, doesn't really play into anything here it's just a fun fact [11/18/2021 17:27] Portabello#1995 when can we reschedule it then i think we're both fine with any time [11/18/2021 17:27] Fluffacorn#8778 lemme work out a proper spreadsheet for you guys rq, I'll also need to give it to the other people [11/18/2021 17:27] Fluffacorn#8778 just been working on pen and paper [11/18/2021 17:31] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/18/2021 17:32] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/18/2021 17:36] Fluffacorn#8778 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kN4MAa53obeEnFA7ZY8Aj_lJVWaLzO6DG2C9qvLoppg/htmlview [11/18/2021 17:37] Fluffacorn#8778 @fuck @Portabello [11/18/2021 17:37] Fluffacorn#8778 all times are in PST but EST is just PST + 3 hours [11/18/2021 17:37] Fluffacorn#8778 PST is used by port, EST is used by pluto [11/18/2021 17:38] Fluffacorn#8778 any empty cell can be used, but do note that if your salty suite comes `BEFORE` an event, it'll be a bit weird to schedule things unless it's an hour or two before [11/18/2021 17:40] fuck#6057 2 or 3 full games of speedrunners should take under 30 mins [11/18/2021 17:40] fuck#6057 but with that in mind we could try to move it sunday [11/18/2021 17:40] fuck#6057 theres a lot more time for that day so yknow [11/18/2021 17:41] fuck#6057 eitehr that or we could do later on saturday [11/18/2021 17:41] fuck#6057 idk how long me and minus will take [11/18/2021 17:41] fuck#6057 probably like 6 mins cuz im that good but yknow [11/18/2021 17:42] fuck#6057 we could try to go for 7:30 or 8 on saturday? [11/18/2021 17:42] Fluffacorn#8778 bo5 rivals assuming you go to game 5 should take about 15-20 minutes? (relating to how long you vs minus takes) [11/18/2021 17:42] fuck#6057 ehhhh [11/18/2021 17:42] fuck#6057 id say it might take 30 mins [11/18/2021 17:42] Fluffacorn#8778 better to think higher than lower [11/18/2021 17:42] fuck#6057 true [11/18/2021 17:42] fuck#6057 i think we could aim for 7:30 then [11/18/2021 17:43] Fluffacorn#8778 if you guys are willing to deal with potential delays (in case minus vs pluto takes longer than expected) I can do that [11/18/2021 17:43] fuck#6057 yeah im fine with that tbh [11/18/2021 17:43] Fluffacorn#8778 oh 7:30 PST or 7:30 EST? [11/18/2021 17:43] Fluffacorn#8778 every time on the spreadsheet is PST [11/18/2021 17:43] fuck#6057 pst [11/18/2021 17:43] Fluffacorn#8778 epic epic [11/18/2021 17:44] Fluffacorn#8778 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910709613689712700/911069365280055346/unknown.png [11/18/2021 17:44] Fluffacorn#8778 should work out like this if I understood correctly [11/18/2021 17:44] fuck#6057 if worse comes to worse, both of us are completely fine with moving to sunday [11/18/2021 17:44] fuck#6057 so just keep taht in mind [11/18/2021 17:45] Fluffacorn#8778 great to hear [11/18/2021 17:45] Fluffacorn#8778 though, hopefully that won't be necessary [11/18/2021 17:45] Fluffacorn#8778 poz and drew are running accent core, where matches go by very quickly [11/18/2021 17:45] Fluffacorn#8778 so it should all be set [11/18/2021 17:45] fuck#6057 ah okay swag [11/18/2021 17:46] fuck#6057 okay better idea [11/18/2021 17:46] fuck#6057 try to put poz and drew in between me v minus and me v port [11/18/2021 17:46] fuck#6057 so we have a little variety [11/18/2021 17:46] fuck#6057 we can push me and port back a little bit in the night [11/18/2021 17:47] fuck#6057 like 8 or 8:30 or so [11/18/2021 17:47] Fluffacorn#8778 if I move you guys to 8 or 8:30 we can have a very good spread of times [11/18/2021 17:47] Fluffacorn#8778 I'm good with it if you all are [11/18/2021 17:47] Fluffacorn#8778 by you all I mean you two [11/18/2021 17:48] Fluffacorn#8778 I might actually be able to do that without moving you [11/18/2021 17:48] fuck#6057 im fine with whatever [11/18/2021 17:48] Fluffacorn#8778 poz + drew starting at 7:00 PM would be quick enough for your 7:30 cuz they chose bo3 [11/18/2021 17:48] fuck#6057 ah thats fair [11/18/2021 17:48] fuck#6057 is it just bo3 for them? [11/18/2021 17:48] Fluffacorn#8778 yea they opted for it instead of bo5 [11/18/2021 17:49] Fluffacorn#8778 idrk why but hey it makes my life easier [11/18/2021 17:49] fuck#6057 lmao true true [11/18/2021 17:49] Fluffacorn#8778 so I'll mark you guys down for 7:30 PM PST, should be all set [11/18/2021 17:49] Fluffacorn#8778 if anything arises I'll let you two know [11/18/2021 17:49] fuck#6057 aight swag swag [11/20/2021 20:14] fuck#6057 forgot to say for our salty suite, ill stream the game through discord [11/20/2021 20:14] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll spec it's fine [11/20/2021 20:14] Fluffacorn#8778 I can stand still and die [11/20/2021 20:14] fuck#6057 theres not any way to watch the game im pretty sure [11/20/2021 20:14] fuck#6057 thats not a good idea lmao [11/20/2021 20:14] Fluffacorn#8778 good enough lmfao [11/20/2021 20:14] Fluffacorn#8778 we could stream through discord if you'd rather do that [11/20/2021 20:14] fuck#6057 you could stand still but idk i feel like it wouldnt work well [11/20/2021 20:14] Fluffacorn#8778 we can try it [11/20/2021 20:14] fuck#6057 ill try to see if there is a spectator mode [11/20/2021 20:16] fuck#6057 there is no spectator, but personally i think just streaming it would work [11/20/2021 20:16] fuck#6057 considering how well among us arena worked last night as well [11/20/2021 20:17] Fluffacorn#8778 up to you ig [11/20/2021 20:17] Fluffacorn#8778 you're up tho so make funny decision soon [11/20/2021 20:17] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll give ya till 25 [11/20/2021 20:23] Fluffacorn#8778 2 minutes [11/20/2021 20:25] Fluffacorn#8778 ya ready [11/20/2021 20:26] fuck#6057 yaya [11/20/2021 20:26] fuck#6057 also we want vana to help commentate lmao [11/20/2021 20:28] Portabello#1995 just you and vana [11/20/2021 20:28] Portabello#1995 ngl [11/20/2021 20:28] Portabello#1995 https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mouse-hamster-run-fast-speed-up-gif-21940488 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eVWUAYsEonS0O7vGwURFZcY0htNrYLFK6RIreIcFiWg/https/media.tenor.co/images/cdd7a9e08e70529d7fb258883be60cb2/tenor.png [11/20/2021 20:28] fuck#6057 true true [11/20/2021 20:28] fuck#6057 B) ============================================================== Exported 131 message(s) ==============================================================