============================================================== Guild: Direct Messages Channel: Group / Drew + Pluto (ARCHIVE) ============================================================== [11/17/2021 17:49] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/17/2021 17:50] Fluffacorn#8778 you two also had a salty suite, just need to make sure everything is set [11/17/2021 17:50] fuck#6057 oh yeah drew didnt you say bo3 [11/17/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 (pinned) **Date: 11/21/2021 Time: 6PM EST Game: Rivals of Aether Stakes: PFP and Name Change for a month Format: Bo5** [11/17/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 neither of you specified a time or date or format. Format as in, Bo1, Bo3, Bo5, Bo7, some other octavious shit [11/17/2021 17:51] fuck#6057 sunday i think at like [11/17/2021 17:51] fuck#6057 idk [11/17/2021 17:52] fuck#6057 i never put in a date cuz i didnt know how many salty suites thered be [11/17/2021 17:52] fuck#6057 so i was thinkin youd want to work around that but if i had to pick a time, 6 est works for me [11/17/2021 17:52] Fluffacorn#8778 if you two don't figure out a date, I will probably just organize a slot that works yea [11/17/2021 17:52] Fluffacorn#8778 I'll note down sunday [11/17/2021 17:53] fuck#6057 we agreed on sunday i know that [11/17/2021 17:53] fuck#6057 i dont think we ever worked on a time tho [11/17/2021 17:53] Fluffacorn#8778 yea neither of you put that into a form [11/17/2021 17:53] Fluffacorn#8778 pluto said that drew would specify the time, but drew never did in the form [11/17/2021 17:53] Fluffacorn#8778 so I'll wait for him to come in ere so you two can figure that one out [11/17/2021 17:53] fuck#6057 oh lmao [11/17/2021 17:54] fuck#6057 @sunlust 6 est work for you for the salty suite? [11/17/2021 18:04] sunlust#6726 ok [11/17/2021 18:04] sunlust#6726 Changed the channel name. [11/17/2021 18:04] Fluffacorn#8778 as in, 6 EST works or [11/17/2021 18:04] sunlust#6726 yes [11/17/2021 18:04] Fluffacorn#8778 now the format [11/17/2021 18:04] Fluffacorn#8778 did you want Bo1, Bo3, Bo5, whatever [11/17/2021 18:04] sunlust#6726 bo3 [11/17/2021 18:04] fuck#6057 yaya [11/17/2021 18:04] Fluffacorn#8778 alr alr [11/17/2021 18:04] fuck#6057 the quickest salty suite [11/17/2021 18:05] fuck#6057 cant wait for this 3-0 [11/17/2021 18:05] Fluffacorn#8778 speedrun actual ggs [11/17/2021 18:05] sunlust#6726 :uhuh: [11/17/2021 18:05] fuck#6057 first off [11/17/2021 18:05] fuck#6057 you spelt it wrong [11/17/2021 18:05] fuck#6057 second off [11/17/2021 18:05] fuck#6057 the bot isnt even here [11/17/2021 18:06] Fluffacorn#8778 bad omen [11/18/2021 17:31] Fluffacorn#8778 Changed the channel name. [11/18/2021 17:32] Fluffacorn#8778 that's a better name [11/18/2021 17:32] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/spider-man-green-goblin-green-goblin-spider-gif-23076015 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/spider-man-green-goblin-green-goblin-spider-gif-23076015 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/1NF97WY5INobrOPEm_aKcDir3nraIbfyVIJ_WmW_ZO8/https/media.tenor.co/images/7e468b4a30f11f74a0e9246c88126cc6/tenor.png [11/18/2021 17:32] sunlust#6726 https://imgur.com/0e64Njo {Embed} https://imgur.com/0e64Njo https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/VJQk06l70vhGLECHbAoGEQC_QUFW4z8ljkSX03tEdLY/https/i.imgur.com/0e64Njoh.jpg [11/18/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kN4MAa53obeEnFA7ZY8Aj_lJVWaLzO6DG2C9qvLoppg/htmlview [11/18/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 schedule, you two are on sunday an hour before FFOF [11/18/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 wanna make sure that's all good n stuff [11/18/2021 17:51] Fluffacorn#8778 remember that times are in PST [11/18/2021 17:51] fuck#6057 yep its all good for me [11/18/2021 18:20] sunlust#6726 ya [11/21/2021 13:26] Fluffacorn#8778 you've got an hour and change to get bready [11/21/2021 13:26] sunlust#6726 starts at 3? [11/21/2021 13:26] sunlust#6726 or in 40 minutes [11/21/2021 13:26] Fluffacorn#8778 starts at 3 [11/21/2021 13:26] Fluffacorn#8778 which is actually before FFOF [11/21/2021 13:26] sunlust#6726 well [11/21/2021 13:26] sunlust#6726 my time anyways [11/21/2021 13:27] sunlust#6726 do i have an hour and 40 or just 40 [11/21/2021 13:29] Fluffacorn#8778 an hour and 40 [11/21/2021 13:29] Fluffacorn#8778 maybe a lil bit more [11/21/2021 13:29] sunlust#6726 ok [11/21/2021 13:30] sunlust#6726 hey fluff if i 3-0 her can you buy me quake live since its still on sale :^)))))))) [11/21/2021 13:30] Fluffacorn#8778 that game SUCKS but ok [11/21/2021 13:30] Fluffacorn#8778 you will not 3-0 her though [11/21/2021 13:30] sunlust#6726 BEAST NOW I HAVE ANOTHER REASON TO WIN [11/21/2021 13:36] fuck#6057 uh huh [11/21/2021 13:37] fuck#6057 fluff if i 3-0 him can i have his soul [11/21/2021 13:37] Fluffacorn#8778 100% [11/21/2021 14:45] sunlust#6726 @Fluffacorn [11/21/2021 14:45] sunlust#6726 we're changing it to bo5 [11/21/2021 14:45] Fluffacorn#8778 @fuck [11/21/2021 14:45] Fluffacorn#8778 yall agreed? [11/21/2021 14:45] fuck#6057 yep [11/21/2021 14:45] Fluffacorn#8778 swag swag [11/21/2021 14:45] Fluffacorn#8778 I was wondering why it was a Bo3 tbh lmoa [11/21/2021 14:47] Fluffacorn#8778 13 minutes until yall are on [11/21/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 drews idea initially [11/21/2021 14:48] fuck#6057 we just came to the idea that damn bo3 is fuckin lame [11/21/2021 14:48] Fluffacorn#8778 as you should have [11/21/2021 14:49] Fluffacorn#8778 alright you're all on in 10 minutes and 15 seconds [11/21/2021 14:54] Fluffacorn#8778 5 minutes goobers [11/21/2021 14:56] fuck#6057 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2557453363&searchtext=snailien @Fluffacorn {Embed} https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2557453363&searchtext=snailien Steam Workshop::Snailien Buddy https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/sMNKUoHDRh0oCZ5PhUW4DdbmJCV2hzRuADLa60-nmbk/%3Fimw%3D512%26%26ima%3Dfit%26impolicy%3DLetterbox%26imcolor%3D%2523000000%26letterbox%3Dfalse/https/steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1687146102391187475/31BC0E144D250F390BD3E4F099ABB8B287C0D5E7/ [11/21/2021 14:56] Fluffacorn#8778 ye ik [11/21/2021 14:56] sunlust#6726 just this one if you please, GOOBSTER [11/21/2021 14:56] fuck#6057 you need to download this so drews stupid ass can have this in game [11/21/2021 14:56] Fluffacorn#8778 bet bet [11/21/2021 14:56] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/over-the-hedge-dwayne-dwayne-over-the-hedge-verne-verne-over-the-hedge-gif-14121566 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/over-the-hedge-dwayne-dwayne-over-the-hedge-verne-verne-over-the-hedge-gif-14121566 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LuBARB6FxyQ1z3bv32Mgii9jj1jJIIDR8wgxxigSgp0/https/media.tenor.co/images/57e4130f43b107ed00690bb4752842bf/tenor.png [11/21/2021 14:56] Fluffacorn#8778 any other buddy or character you want me to get for you two [11/21/2021 14:56] sunlust#6726 https://tenor.com/view/lagging-gif-22928994 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/lagging-gif-22928994 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LzXxcJaGhHnWub6mwfddgvE1Ufp6AnOEsgcTetx4rVk/https/media.tenor.co/images/398e7ed0b623f7d37ed053c87fa06d75/tenor.png [11/21/2021 14:57] fuck#6057 nah i dont need any [11/21/2021 14:57] Fluffacorn#8778 bet bet [11/21/2021 14:57] fuck#6057 fluff if i 3-0 him can u buy me kraggling [11/21/2021 14:57] Fluffacorn#8778 how much that goober cost [11/21/2021 14:58] sunlust#6726 2 [11/21/2021 14:58] sunlust#6726 dolar [11/21/2021 14:58] Fluffacorn#8778 yeah sure fuck it [11/21/2021 14:58] fuck#6057 fuck yeah [11/21/2021 14:58] Fluffacorn#8778 loser gets a punishment and winner gets something of value [11/21/2021 14:58] sunlust#6726 only if 3-0 [11/21/2021 14:58] fuck#6057 none of us are getting a 3-0 but itd be funny [11/21/2021 14:58] sunlust#6726 IT WOULD [11/21/2021 14:58] Fluffacorn#8778 yea this only works if you get a 3-0 [11/21/2021 14:58] Fluffacorn#8778 but none of you are getting that cuz i'm not playing [11/21/2021 14:59] fuck#6057 we're gonna do one practice round [11/21/2021 14:59] fuck#6057 i think we have time [11/21/2021 14:59] Fluffacorn#8778 ye that's all good [11/21/2021 14:59] fuck#6057 hot [11/21/2021 14:59] Fluffacorn#8778 it's not gonna start at `exactly` 3 so [11/21/2021 14:59] fuck#6057 dw this will be a quick 3 stock [11/21/2021 14:59] Fluffacorn#8778 lmfao [11/21/2021 14:59] fuck#6057 can u quickly go spec mode fluff [11/21/2021 15:00] Fluffacorn#8778 oh am I not in spec [11/21/2021 15:00] Fluffacorn#8778 wtf [11/21/2021 15:00] Fluffacorn#8778 there we go [11/21/2021 15:00] sunlust#6726 LOL [11/21/2021 15:00] Fluffacorn#8778 huh [11/21/2021 15:00] fuck#6057 snailien buddy crash any% [11/21/2021 15:00] Fluffacorn#8778 lets fucking goooo [11/21/2021 15:00] sunlust#6726 no snail for me ig [11/21/2021 15:01] Fluffacorn#8778 u can get a practice round in while I set up stuff [11/21/2021 15:02] sunlust#6726 afk [11/21/2021 15:02] sunlust#6726 @Fluffacorn AFK [11/21/2021 15:02] fuck#6057 https://tenor.com/view/hello-chat-roblox-falling-goodbye-chat-top-text-gif-21349648 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hello-chat-roblox-falling-goodbye-chat-top-text-gif-21349648 https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/3Xs_OpplBZ_BIzP6FcTFJX05rFEG-q6nzJU1d7kHzTY/https/media.tenor.co/images/56c5e6d26bde2076c7d0bd95ed7b0984/tenor.png [11/21/2021 15:02] Fluffacorn#8778 my b I forget rivals spectate is evil [11/21/2021 15:03] Fluffacorn#8778 is this a practice round or the actual thing btw [11/21/2021 15:03] Fluffacorn#8778 I'd imagine a practice round [11/21/2021 15:06] sunlust#6726 pracytice [11/21/2021 15:06] sunlust#6726 we ready [11/21/2021 15:06] Fluffacorn#8778 well that's your one practice round gone it's time for the REAL gamer bracket [11/21/2021 15:27] sunlust#6726 snoo + pluto snoouto [11/21/2021 15:28] sunlust#6726 https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51w3tm2IwLL._AC_SX425_.jpg {Embed} https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51w3tm2IwLL._AC_SX425_.jpg https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/JybbWZyjP45R20fOLPgPFPPSUJtSf4JTU-DQhm4XHkU/https/m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51w3tm2IwLL._AC_SX425_.jpg [11/21/2021 15:30] sunlust#6726 r/friskposting ============================================================== Exported 132 message(s) ==============================================================